To blog or not to blog? THAT IS THE QUESTION

This is a blog workshop for the teachers of Sargent Park School on March 18th 2006. Use this blog as a reference point in your quest towards becoming a blog friendly classroom and leading your students towards technology elightenment

Thursday, March 16, 2006

The Evolution of the Blog

Grade 7 math classes have been thrust into the era of blogging for roughly three months. While I admit that there have been some hiccups along the way as there will be with any new technology, together you overcome these hurdles and move forward. I would like to share with you a few links that demonstrate how my students use and benefit from their class blogs.

From scribe posts (Scribe 1 and Scribe 2)that help sick students catch up on missed work, to students helping each other study for tests and learn from previous mistakes blogging benefits my students. Lastly blogging motivates our students to take on leadership positions, to search for new resources and ideas benefiting everyone within the classroom.

While students can earn bonus marks based upon these extra contributions to the class blog, they are never required to contribute anything more than to respond to the weekly online assignment. All of these contributions are on an optional basis, which is the beauty of blogging. Students participate in learning outside of the classroom not because they have to, but because they want to.


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