To blog or not to blog? THAT IS THE QUESTION

This is a blog workshop for the teachers of Sargent Park School on March 18th 2006. Use this blog as a reference point in your quest towards becoming a blog friendly classroom and leading your students towards technology elightenment

Thursday, March 16, 2006

The Evolution of the Blog

Grade 7 math classes have been thrust into the era of blogging for roughly three months. While I admit that there have been some hiccups along the way as there will be with any new technology, together you overcome these hurdles and move forward. I would like to share with you a few links that demonstrate how my students use and benefit from their class blogs.

From scribe posts (Scribe 1 and Scribe 2)that help sick students catch up on missed work, to students helping each other study for tests and learn from previous mistakes blogging benefits my students. Lastly blogging motivates our students to take on leadership positions, to search for new resources and ideas benefiting everyone within the classroom.

While students can earn bonus marks based upon these extra contributions to the class blog, they are never required to contribute anything more than to respond to the weekly online assignment. All of these contributions are on an optional basis, which is the beauty of blogging. Students participate in learning outside of the classroom not because they have to, but because they want to.

Links to living, breathing blogs with a focus on the elementary level

Room 208
If you have any doubts over the validity of blogging and its applicability to your classroom you NEED to check out Room 208. This Blog acts as a true extension of the classroom, from content creation by students, to information transfew from teacher to students, parents and the community, to a portal into the realm of cyberspace and all of the tools available throughout the world.

Mr Monson
The first blog that we'd like to show you. The first blog comes from an educator in Duluth Minnnesota. His grade 4 students use their class blog sites for multiple reasons. From simple weekly updates where parents and students learn what to expect for the upcomming week, to a an online journal, writing showcase and reading showcase .

Alan November
While Alan November is currently a lecturer at Seton Hall university he is regarded by his peers as one of the most influential minds in regards to educational technology.

Mr. Ball
Mr Ball is an educator in Alberta. He uses blogs for two primary purposes, first as a means of communicating with his students and their parents, secondly as a forum where students can share their thoughts and stories with their classmates and the world.

Short’s and Gonzales’ Writers
This classroom is harnessing the power of blogging in order to enrich the writing experiences of the students. Students publish their work onto the blog, but the key lies in the comments left by their fellow students as a motivational tool. Students love being able to showcase their talents to their peers and receive positive feedback from them. Now Students are able to receive comments from both their peers, and the WORLD.

This is not a classroom blog, rather this is a blog created by teachers for teachers in order to help them harness the power of technology to positively change the learning experiences of their students. Consider this a MUST VISIT and continual reference point if you truly wish to use technology to help foster change and growth in your class.


Don’t have a clue what “Podcasting” is? Ever heard of an apple “I-POD”. Chances are your students either know about i-pods or have one of their own. Podcasting takes an i-pod beyond simply being a passive participant by listening to created content by the major music labels, to becoming your own content creator and promotor of your own talents and ideas. Podcasting is quickly changing the way that people listen to and create their auditory environment.


  • Grade 1

  • Grade 2

  • Grade 4

  • Grade 6 What makes this blog amazing is the links that they have created to classrooms in other countries along with their use of podcasts